Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

It starts with hope.

It starts with wiping off the soot of the past and seeing each other as we are all meant to be seen by someone new: pure, beautiful, worthy; so much unlike how we’ve been seen before.

It starts with whispers and texts and undying, unconditional love. It starts with passion, and compromise, and compassion.

It starts with empathy, and perhaps a few heated debates before deciding that love conquers all.

The middle is the harder ground to navigate. It either makes you or breaks you.

There’s jealousy, feelings of rejection, feelings of not feeling anything at all, but ultimately (hopefully) coming back to love.

You dream. You hurt. You laugh. You cry. You hope. You pray. You give up and then decide that you aren’t a quitter.

You break and then work together to put the pieces back where they belong.

You shake each other awake in unbelievable ways: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

It takes trust, work, arguments, and making up. It takes understanding, forgiveness, and becoming more aware of how to navigate one another so that the happy is worth so much more than any of the hurt.

And it’s fucking hard.

But nobody ever said that it would be easy – they just said it would be worth it.

Work at it. Argue about it. Make up. Forgive. Move forward with intent.

Life is too short for anything else.

About Caitlin's Concepts

Mom to 4 boys and drowning in a sea of testosterone!
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